Processing Fee | P500.00 for less than 500K and P1,000.00 for 500k and above |
Late Payment Fee | Payroll Client: 3% or 500.00 whichever is higher. |
Processing Fee for Pre-Payment/Pre-Termination of Loan | 5% of total outstanding balance. Waived for resigned employees. |
Notarial Fee | P300 for loans more than P500K (No NF) |
Documentary Stamps | Php 1.50 for every Php 200.00, for loan exceeding Php 250,000.00 |
Other Incidental Fees | Case to case basis |
Be Focused. Be Determined.
How to configure HowTo Schema?
So to get started, you will just need to drag-n-drop the How-to module in the Beaver Builder editor.
The How-to module can basically be used on How-to pages which contains a How-to in their title and contains steps to achieve certain requirements.
Time Needed: 30 minutes
Total Cost: USD 69
Things Needed ?
Required tools:
Steps to configure the How-to module:
Enter the title to your HowTo Schema
Enter the HowTo Description with a relevant image to your description.
Under the Advanced settings for HowTo Schema
- Total Time required to perform all the given instructions.
- Estimated Cost for the consumables/ supplies needed for the instructions.
- Supply needed to be consumed when performing the actions/directions.
- A Tool used but not consumed for the operation.
Steps for your HowTo Schema instructions it can be a single step (text, document or video) or an ordered list of steps (itemList) of HowToStep.
Style your HowTo Schema with various styling options to display your HowTo Schema.