Account Deletion Request
SB FINANCE, INC., adhering to the Google Play Store Policy, offers a straightforward process for zukì users to request the deletion of their accounts. If you wish to proceed with account deletion, please follow these steps:
- Complete the provided form
- Await out email confirmation
Please be informed that in line with the regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), as amended, specific data retention policies apply to your account.
As per BSP and AMLC requirements, we are obligated to securely retain all customer identification records throughout the duration of the account's existence.
Upon closure of your account, your data will be preserved for a minimum period of 5 years. This practice is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and uphold the integrity of our financial services.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding on this matter.